Finding You
finding you
““One day, you will look back at this moment with tears of gratitude because you were BRAVE enough to keep going, even when you thought you couldn’t.” ”
Finding You
They say the happiest people have endured adversity at some point in their life, which I believe is true. If you haven’t lost what you dearly loved or lived through the darkest of days, how do you truly know happiness? What do you compare it to?
We learn through our heartbreaks, our challenges, our weaknesses and our strengths. When you strip away everything that you thought you were — your job, your relationship, your money and your home — who are you? When something in your life shifts and changes, when the love of you life brutally dumps you and the future you thought was yours dramatically changes — what then? When you lose a loved one to the skies above, a part of your soul leaves this earth with them. When you lose a job you’ve worked so hard for, you question your ability and skills. When you’re flat broke and can hardly afford to pay rent or mortgage, a feeling of failure takes hold of you.
We learn through our tragedies: the moments in life that bring us the worst pain. The gut wrenching darkness of grief. We find the strength we didn’t even know we had. We build ourselves back up, through our determination and our will to not be defeated.
The days get a little brighter and the pain a little softer. We capture snippets of joy in fleeting moments. We’ve felt the light briefly to know that this isn’t all that our life will be.
While in the pit of darkness, laying there broken and bruised, I saw myself, at the core of my being. I am now stronger for crawling my way off the edge of the earth before finding the light and becoming who I was always suppose to be.
Light from our Believe Community
We asked you all “What’s your one tip to help get through a tough time?” Here are just some of the helpful tips:
Don’t be afraid to take time out and learn to say “no” – stay in bed if you need to, it’s ok!
Stay off social media.
Take care of yourself. Do what makes you happy. Surround yourself with people who lift you up.
Eat chocolate! But also I sit on the beach by myself and breathe.
Movement, dancing, singing. Or take yourself out on a date.
See a psychologist, time alone watching Netflix or take a nap.
Focus on gratitude and the light that’s in your life at this present time.
Ask for help!! 100% of the time, friends and family WANT to help! xx
Be me… refresh and breathe, take time for myself to recover.
Honour where you are at and how far you’ve come. You don’t have to explain yourself. Ever.
Have a good cry in a hot shower while listening to songs with positive messages.
We also asked for live-changing book recommendations
I am a total book nerd. My book case is full of a variety of genres from 1920’s gangland Australia, true crime, romance fiction, thrillers to brilliant self-help books. We asked you for any recommendations and you delivered! I bought all of these books after you told me about them, and I can happily vouch for them.
Fight Like a Girl - Clementine Ford.
Reinventing Your Life: How to Break Free from Negative Patterns - Jeffrey. E. Young
The Happiness Trap - Dr. Russ Harris
The Body Keeps Score - Bessel Van Der Kolk
The Gifts of Imperfection - Brene Brown
Braving the Wilderness - Brene Brown
You Can Heal Your Life - Louise Hay
This Messy Magnificent Life - Geneen Roth
Not Just Lucky - Jamila Rizvi
200 Women - Geoff Blackwell & Ruth Anna Hobday
We absolutely love hearing tips, advice and stories from our Believe community. We will be updating our website regularly, so please get in touch either on our social media platform or via email:
Looking forward to growing, learning and supporting each other every step of the way.