Kristina's story
This year I have decided enough is enough and to turn my world around and face my fears. This in part is because I have entered into a very healthy, supportive relationship, which has opened my eyes to how toxic a lot of the relationships are in my life.
In 2018, I have committed to ongoing growth, and do so with my therapist. Previously I had made every excuse in the book to not commit to a therapist, in part because I had low self-worth.
I am on the cusp of facing my toxic parents by telling them how I actually feel. This is extremely daunting. My relationship with them can only be described as ebbs and flows of control and guilt, one in which my emotions and feelings are never valid, and as such I have suffered from very low self-esteem and confidence. In this way I can relate to Sam’s reference to a dark place, I have been there and it can be all-consuming and crippling. I have three older siblings, I see how they have dealt with the impact of our upbringing, where none of us ever felt good enough. One seeks solace in alcohol and self-help books, the other has escaped by living interstate, the other is still in denial. I feel that I am the only one who won’t turn a blind eye and am compelled to address my parents.
If in any way my story can assist a young women, woman or girl from relating to my story and realising that they are worth it and pass on some motivation that has helped me I would love to be involved.
Warmest regards,