Christie's Story

If you would ask anyone who knew me they would say three words, Easygoing, Dreamy and Relaxed.

So when I opened up to friends and family that I struggled with an anxiety disorder called Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, they where quite shocked. I also got the usual reply “oh my goodness I totally know what you mean, I can be soooo OCD as well, like if my rooms not clean it totally stresses me out!” Or my personal favourite “Ohhhh we’ll at least you’ll always have a clean and organised house.”

In reality though, OCD is far from a need to be clean and tidy but a debilitating disorder that controls every aspect of your life.

I encourage anyone to do some research on the symptoms and challenges of it, just incase you or a loved one may be going through something similar.

I first noticed something was wrong a 2 years after I was married, my poor husband didn’t know what had happened to his “relaxed, easy going wife” to be honest I didn’t know what was happening, I thought I was losing my mind and the internal pain I felt was excruciating and there was so many times I felt like giving up.

It was like running the hardest marathon of my life.

You might feel like sometimes your stuck in quick sand and that you’ll always feel like this, but I want you to know with a lot of hard work and support you can and will get through this. I know what your thinking yeah easier said then done.

But, if you’re just starting your journey I want you to know you’re not alone and the loneliness will subside over time and one day you will be helping other people who feel at rock bottom but take your time there’s no wrong or right way to recovery and you might never recover like me, but you’ll be able to make anxiety, OCD, PTSD, Depression or what ever you struggle is, your super power!

You are loved and you can do this!

Christie xx

Kristine Ross